New Zealand - We are on a mission

We are on a Mission

Now we are here, at the other end of the world. In New Zealand. In Wellington. Monday, December 2, 2013, 9 am in the morning. In Hamburg it is only Sunday, 9 pm. We are completely broken after more than 24 hours flight. Travel Group Graul / Starnberg. KrishnaMa, Mola, Alfons and me Leila have landed. Our mission is to free the treasure, hidden in the earth of New Zealand, for humanity. For this important energy to flow freely again. Of course, we have not just flown to the other end of the world just for that reason: KrishnaMa will finally see her Dualseele Stuart again and the Graulis love to travel...

We started on Friday morning in Hamburg. An easy hour to Amsterdam. There an hour stopover to run through the huge airport and just get our connection flight to Guangzhou, China. Then the first eleven hours in the plane. We hardly sat, as the traveling Chinese shot photos of Alfons and pounded Mola. We were the attraction, unintentionally and somewhat irritated. But we were still laughing. Later, Mola turned completely and did not think of sleep. She cried bitterly. Rocking I dragged her through the plane, but no chance. She did not calm down. I also howled. What can I do? Whenever I thought, she was asleep right now, crossed a Chinese woman, and stuck her face almost into ours. I did not have the strength to get rid of that. Totally tired I cuddled Mola after half an eternity finally to sleep. Ran back to my seat. Tried to take a little nap. Alfons and KrishnaMa slept peacefully. I collapsed to be woken up 30 minutes later. Meals!

Well, I made three crosses when we landed in China. They let us friendly and promptly in and we made us directly on the way to the hotel. Sleep. You're welcome! Man, I was glad I had booked the Pullman hotel right at the airport. Checked in, off to bed. Unfortunately, we had to vacate the room 2 pm, but at least we got four hours sleep. And the sun was shining, pleasant 24 degrees. I tied Mola over. We walked around. Through the airport. Around the airport. Ate a noodle soup. Admired the Christmas decoration. Played a few rounds of billiards and waited for our next flight to Auckland.

Towards midnight we went to Auckland. The plane smaller, the rows even tighter. But I was now centrally relaxed, it could not be worse. It was not. The second eleven hours passed by without tears. In Auckland we arrived at 5 pm. The entry cards were filled out. Toilet. Huh, the floor shakes about? I was a bit irritated. Back to Alfons and KrishnaMa. Our luggage came, the baby carriage already there. The latter unfortunately broken. Oh, sch ... no matter. First time out here. Fresh air. Smoke. The ground was already shaking. Well, the first cigarette after that long flight ... The shuttle bus took us to the Ibis hotel. Checked in and quickly laid down. Sleep. In the narrowest space. I managed three hours, then Mola was awake. I grabbed my little one and walked through the dark night. So Alfons and KrishnaMa could still rest a bit further. A little later, still pretty early, we sat at Mc Donalds and had breakfast chicken McNuggets and milkshakes. All completely over-tired. But good courage. Airborne the worst. 8 o'clock in the plane to Wellington. 9.15 am Arrival.

Quickly collected the luggage. Already a little less. The broken bugaboo we had just left at the Ibis in Auckland. This is how letting go works.

Arriving in Wellington

Now we were in Wellington. Quickly out of the plane directly to the luggage belt. Bags snapped and placed in the arrival hall. There he stood: Stuart, KrishnaMas soulmate. Tall, slim, radiant eyes. KrishnaMas eyes were also bright. Stuey!!! They hugged each other. I looked for the sparks I'd expected when the two of them saw each other. Hmm, no sparks ... Perhaps it was because of the hustle and bustle at the airport and the fact that we were simply at the limit ... Perhaps they still spray the sparks later. Well, definitely the first expectation did not work out. Too bad. And not the last unfulfilled expectation, as it would turn out in the next four weeks.

Together with Stuey, we drove into the city, drank a coffee, chatted. Until we got the hotel Kingsgate for the next four days. Room small. Together with our luggage, we just fitted in. KrishnaMa gave us all a jetlag salt from her travel pharmacy. Phew, so salty. Really disgusting. But it helped. No jet lag. Not a second.

We lived jagged. The first days passed by as if in flight with strolls, gazes, amazement. Pretty much the first time we bought a buggy. I could not drag Mola with her nearly ten kilos all the time. On the second evening we met Andrea, an old work colleague. She moved to New Zealand in late October for a year. But Andrea, who had been living in Wellington for almost four weeks, was already heading for Auckland. She had never been so warm with the city. She was happy to see us and we often spent their last days in Wellington together.

Thorndon School - very cool

Day 3. School started for Alfons. The Thorndon School, which I had organized for him so that he could travel with us awaited him for the next two weeks. Of course we had already explored it before and found it to be good, but Alfons was quite excited. Sure, he did not really know what to expect. We cuddled and talked and I could calm him down pretty well. Nevertheless, my otherwise very aroused guy greeted his first day of school at the Thorndon School almost eerily shy.

Oje, I hope he likes it, I thought for a while, and stayed near him. With Mola in the tow I disappeared next door in the Thorndon pool. A few laps swimming, a bit distracting. Lovely. The friendly rescue swimmer, who watched the sleeping Mola with an eye, looked a bit sad. We began to talk. I told him about our mission. He smiled.

When I picked up Alfons in the afternoon at 3 pm, he beamed. I did not get kisses anyway. Too embarrassing. "Later Mom!" "How was it?" "Great! I have found quite a few friends. Jippie, my heart hopped. A stone fell from the chest and cracked next door in the Thorndon Pool.

On December 6th my birthday. My 40th. Somehow totally unimportant. Like any birthday so far. But somehow not at all. I woke up early, let the others sleep and crept me quietly out of the hotel room to get coffee and sandwiches. When I came back shortly afterwards, Alfie and KrishnaMa surprised me with singing. I was happy, and both of them stuck. Mola woke, shone, and got a kisses plus breakfast. Alfons pressed his sandwich. KrishnaMa and I struck with coffee. So the day could begin.

Unhappy Birthday

At the front desk we got the keys for our apartment at the Thorndon Quay. Our host Jennifer had given it up for us. Jippie, four days hotel room were enough and finally we could switch into the great domicile, which we had booked via Airbnb. A real home for the next ten days we wanted to stay in Wellington.

At 9 o'clock I brought Alfie to the school and then took me for an hour and a half to the wellness. Gift from KrishnaMa, who also took care of Mola. Oh, how nice, I was looking forward to the hour massage followed by whole body chocolate pack. The massage did well. My muscles were loosened and I enjoyed the touch. The chocolate packing was unfortunately damn exhausting. The delicious scent and no chance of snacking. Still a funny experience.

After that we drove with Stueys help our bags to the apartment, bought a carload of food in the New World Supermarket and arranged us. In the evening I had invited Andrea to celebrate birthday with sushi and bubbly. When Mola and I picked up Alfie in the afternoon from school, I noticed a big gray cloud gathering over my head. Somehow I was suddenly totally sad, disappointed and had to cry bitterly. Actually, we wanted to celebrate a fat party - with a lot of people and Alfons as a DJ. The pack had already shrank to Andrea, KrishnaMa, Alfons, Mola and me. KrishnaMa was then also arranged and my 40th birthday was to rise with sleeping Mola, Alfons and lightly anointed Andrea. Me: Not easy, but totally frustrated. I had other expectations. Suddenly all the gloomy thoughts of the past came up again. Me alone, with two children whose fathers are no help at all, and without a tangible future perspective. I howled and moaned and sobbed. Process at the cheek. KrishnaMa consoled and helped transform the old emotions. After that I felt a bit better.

KrishnaMa had to go to the date with Stuey. But promised that they would only stay briefly and we would celebrate together afterwards. "No, no, enjoy your date. You were so happy about him. "" But it is your birthday and you are so bad. I can not leave you like this. "But, I can make it." When she came back four hours later and even drunken, I cursed first and did not want to celebrate anymore. But after five minutes I overcame my disappointment and we had a very nice evening. Her date with Stuey had also turned out to be a fall. For one thing, he had his wife and a few friends in tow. Then, after an hour, he went out to his company’s Christmas party and left KrishnaMa with his wife Lene and his friends. Mannomann, if things go wrong, then right. We shared frustration and grief on this feast day, and felt that split suffering is half the pain. The next day the world looked much more friendly. We had survived it...

Wellie explored

The next few days passed, like all fine days, like in flight. Wellington explored, uphill, downhill. Every sunbeam enjoyed. The weather is so lala. Almost always blows a stiff breeze. And when the sun creeps behind the clouds, it is not very summery. But we were quite lucky. There were rain in only two days, apart from that it was wonderfully warm, so we filled a lot of sun. In the morning, when Alfie was at school, I trotted with Mola through the city, sometimes with KrishnaMa joined us. Walked by the sea, swam, went into the New World supermarket to buy Super Saver. Wow, New Zealand is really expensive. With Alfie together in the afternoon to the beach, the Te Papa museum, into the pool or with the cable car up to the Botanical Garden.

After a week I knew Wellington like my pants pocket and felt that I have to move on. KrishnaMa and I were talking about it in the morning. "I know you want to see more and you do not have to stop the hooves and stay here just because I want to stay in Wellington to see Stuey." Hmm, I thought briefly and made a plan. In the afternoon, Alfie, Mola and I found ourselves in the iSite, where we booked our two-day trip to the South Island...

Let's go South

On Tuesday evening (10 th of December) we marched to the Bluebridge Ferry Terminal. 10 pm we should have been there to be able to get our cabin. KrishnaMa brought us there. We had just said good-bye to her when we got to know that the ferry was delayed and that it would arrive in Wellington at 11.30. Crap. Well, Mola slept happily in her buggy. Alfie and I would have liked to put ourselves to it. Bravely we watched. Until midnight. Then we were allowed into our bunk. Juhu. Wow, we got two beds. At the booking there were only single cabins and I had actually expected only one bed. Cool, looked really inviting. Not cool. Exactly at the moment we saw our beds, who had been calling for us for hours, Mola woke up. She looked at me. I quickly took her out of the buggy and cuddled her into my bed. That helped, half an hour later we all snored. Only I woke up in between. Although it was not so windy, it rocked quite often up and down. 5.34 am then the gentle "I really wanted to knock only quiet, but I accidentally took my foot" - wake-up call at the door. Oh, no, I just fell asleep.

At 6 am we arrived in Picton. A small sleepy but pretty nest, the gateway to the South Island. We first explored everything, of course, quite fast, then to discover an open pub, where the nice cook served us two omeletts on toast. Mola got her glass. Everyone was full. Then quickly used the quiet village to the morning toilet. Change of nappies. Teeth cleaned. Hair combed. Still a bit food in the supermarket and the bus stop. 9:40 am the InterCity bus went over Plentheim to Kaikoura. 2 ½ hours along the rugged coast. The Pacific shimmered in countless different shades of blue. Seals floundered in the water. The mountains, all of volcanic origin, populated by sheep, cows, deer and horses. People were hardly seen. After half an hour, Alfie nodded beside me. Mola enjoyed herself on my lap with all sorts of toys, and bravely braided through. As I sighted the seals, I woke up Alfie gently. He did not even mutter. The seals were too exciting. And the snow-capped peaks of a mountain also gave him an enthusiastic Ah.

Towards 12 we reached Kaikoura. Nice place. The bus driver told me that he would be our driver on our way back. Hmm, well, then I could leave him a few things from us in the bus, which we did not need on the spot. Quickly we disappeared at the disabled toilet at the stop, moved us. Put the old clothes in a plastic bag and off into the bus with it. Mola quickly squeezed a fruit jug.

Whale watching

Then we were already picked up and taken to the airfield. Great service from Wings over Whales. Molas buggy off into the trunk, we got the back seats. Twenty minutes later, we learned a lot about whales from our pilot, and then we climbed on board together with two other tourists, to take a quick look at it and float above the glittering water. Alfie sat in front of me, Mola on my lap.

While we checked the ocean to whales, Mola slept directly. 20 eternal minutes no whale in sight. We had almost given up, then suddenly one was swimming right under us. 18 meters long, as the pilot assured us. It was difficult to see from a height of 1000 feet, and although he dropped the plane down to 150 meters above the water, I could not have said how big the gray colossus was. We circled above him and shot enthusiastic photos until he suddenly took a breath, a water fountain emitted, Bye Bye snorted and dived. Happy and satisfied we flew back. Alfie beamed. Mola woke up.

We were driven back to Kaikoura and were looking for food in a bright sunshine. Such a flight makes quite hungry. For Mola a glass of porridge, for Alfie hot dogs with fries and fish and chips for me. Alfie made big eyes when his hot dogs came. Two fried sausages in style. "Try some, somehow they tast of fish." One he ate, the other he left. "We could take a doggy bag and bring it to KrishnaMa." I laughed, "Let's go." The French fries tasted better. And not only us, but also the greedy seagulls, which came lile rockets as soon as Alfie crashed a French fries. To the delight of Mola. Fascinated, she watched the wild hustle and chuckle. Well-satiated we walked the 200-meter-long local road. Then we explored the beach. Too bad the water was too cold. We could not swim. For this we played a few rounds Minigolf, before our bus driver drove us back to Picton at 7 pm.

On board a completely drunk Maori, who bothered all fellow travelers alternately. So also us. He always wanted to take Mola from my lap and suddenly he tried to kiss me. I stretched out my heart and pointedly turned him back. Without fear or resentment. He disappeared into the back seats and slept. I calmed down Alfie, who was a bit frightened by the situation. We cuddled together. 10pm Arrival at Ferrylink Motel. Our bus driver drove us directly in front of the door. Quickly the reception rang out of the springs. Then clean yourself. And again Mola woke up just the moment we wanted to swing into bed. Placed between us, so that she can not fall out. Sweet dreams.

Back in Wellington

6 am we had to go again. Fished to the ferry. Checked in. Still fast breakfast for Alfie. Again best weather conditions. Hardly wind, very unusual. 3 ½ hours gentle crossing. Almost a bit boring, so completely without waves, before all of us had warned. A few nice conversations with fellow travelers. Around noon back in Wellington. Here the weather was different. Slightly cool and rainy. But no matter. We hurried to the apartment at Thorndon Quay. KrishnaMa was already waiting for us. We talked about our experiences quickly, then took a shower.

At about 5 pm a barbecue was waiting for us at Alfie's school. Alfie did not really like it, but I sat down. I know my Pappenheimer. After five minutes he also had fun, we enjoyed the schoolband, the delicious homemade cake, the barbecue sausages and mutti got their first New Zealand beer. Alfie's teacher Christa joined us and we chatted nicely. When asked if we were going "on holiday", I told her about the reason for our trip. "We're on a mission." She was not at all surprised when I told her that. Rather thrilled. Great. In the evening we fell happily to bed and slept properly.

Lord of the Rings

Friday then again "daily business": school for Alfie, walking, swimming, meditating etc. for Mola, KrishnaMa and me. On Saturday, Alfie, Mola and I went by bus to Miramar in the Weta Cave. Here, the figures for "Lord of the Rings" were designed and tweaked. The small museum showed many treasures for fans of the film trilogy. And in the adjoining design studio, a nice lady told us how scenes and figures were created. Exciting. Then we walked along the coast back to the city center. A sunny stormy day.

On Sunday we all got together for the first time. We wanted to go to the Marlborough wine-growing area. The almost two-hour train ride past the coast and then through the caked green countryside - an experience. The end station less. No vineyard far and wide, just a sleepy little kaff, which we had explored within 20 minutes. And now? It was not until five hours later. We started off. Looking for the vineyards we had expected. But no matter whom we asked. And many we could not ask. Pretty extinct everything. No one could give us a satisfactory answer. Well, we trotted to the next Kaff, where at least a pub with delicious French fries encouraged us. Time passed and our return approached. We reached the station and twitched back to Wellington.

Stuey the Cook

Stuey picked us up there. Our first dinner invitation at Stuey and family. He had cooked. Delicious, finally no fast food. But above all curiosity and excitement. How is his family? How do they live? What would be the mood? It is not normal for an "affair" of the man to sit at the dining table. Soulmate back and forth. Most do not even know that there is such a thing at all. Even though KrishnaMa and Lene had been talking and getting to know each other often by Facebook, it was certainly not easy for them to sit face to face. But the evening was surprisingly harmonious and really heartfelt. We ate delicious, drank, told - as if it were the most normal thing in the world. I even forgot quite fast that I wanted to observe myself diligently and even wanted to sneak through the house under the pretext of the clobbery to get an impression. Happy and full, we drove back to our apartment three hours later and slumbered quite quickly.

Our last week in Wellington began. Monday, Tuesday and then Wednesday. Alfie's last day of school. All embraced, thanked, said goodbye. In the evening stuff stuffed. KrishnaMa cleaned out. Date with Stuey, just the two of them. They had not done that so far. Lene was always there, and that annoyed KrishnaMa of course. All the more radiant now. I hugged them both before they pulled together and was happy for them. Alfie, Mola and I made a cozy cuddling evening. The next morning, our trip to Auckland would startt.

KrishnaMa puked the whole morning. The evening with Stuey had been a bit too damp. I was a bit irritated. She knew we'd start today, why had not she drunk a little less? Well, to the need I would stop. Stuey brought his car for our trip. While KrishnaMa used her hangover, we were already loading the green Toyota. And then we could go. Stuey haggled and said good-bye. When KrishnaMa and he embraced in farewell, I shot a lot of photos and looked for the sparks. There was no more than on our arrival. But at least one felt a deep bond between them in this embrace. I was reassured. Already funny, what ideas sometimes bunched together in my head, had I really expected to see a fireworks? Hmm, I'm crazy sometimes. We drove to the nearest gas station to get a coffee for the brave KrishnaMa who had recovered. She did not look really sad either. A bit confusing to me. I would surely have been crying. But she had this deeply contented expression on her face. Everything is as good as it is.

On the Road

We drove Highway 1 (if you can call it that way) and chatted and made it past the destiny mountain to Lake Taupo. The accommodation, which we had previously booked on the net safety, creepy. We drove again and found a little nicer at an older couple. We checked in for two nights and talked a bit to the two of them, who bored us later our bakery lasagna.

The next morning we went in the middle of the beautiful nature. An extensive walk through the jungle - from the Huka Falls to a bath bay in the river, where hot thermal water flowed from the mountains. Afterwards we went to the Craters of the Moon, a lava-like crater landscape, where sulfur smelt of countless earth holes at every corner. In some the liquid earth was bubbling. Hot and stinky, but somehow we felt pudelwohl. The earth, the earth's nucleus so close. Alfie told me his stories, which he had learned shortly before in school. To the Ring of Fire, volcanic eruptions, lava. Best visual instruction in the middle of this crater landscape.

In the afternoon we went to Lake Taupo, which is so huge that you could think you were at the ocean. The water is clear and velvety. I had to jump in, of course, although it was really fresh. Also Alfie dared at least to the belly in the cool water. And then there was suddenly a boat rental with: Stand Up Paddling. For the whole summer, when I crept or struggled with Mola around the Alster, I had longingly watched the Stand Up paddlers. I also wanted to try it. Now I had the chance. Grabed at the top and up on the board. Wow, it worked out right away. As if I had done nothing else for my life. I tried to persuade Alfie to try it. Try makes wise. On the other hand, he sat at the front of the board on my second lap and let me paddle over the lake. Mola was so happy with KrishnaMa. In the evening all of uns felt happy in to the bed.

The next morning we went to Rotorua. There, Alfons and I drove the skyline gondola onto the mountain. KrishnaMa took over Mola. Another hour just Alfie and Mama. Important for my big one. The last few years we were always on the road for two, and it was felt that he was quite nibbling on having two more people in tow this time. It was an important experience for him, which made him grow even more. Nevertheless, KrishnaMa and I saw that he could be alone with me from time to time. As I said, we went on the mountain with the gondola. We wanted to drive Luge, something similar to summer bobsleds. What fun! At the beginning, with the brake applied and respect for the speed, we left the track at the end of the track and burst into the finish line. "Cool, Mom. Again! "" To be happy, but we have no time. KrishnaMa and Mola are waiting for us."

Luge: Adrenalin pure

Where are the Hobbits?

Afterwards we drove on to Matamata and booked the must-tour to Hobbiton. Almost three hours we felt like little hobbits there. Real madness, how sweet everything looked. And above all madness, what flour the owner of the farm has. Not only that they had certainly paid him a heat for his land. He is now a bit richer every day, through the whole tourists which follow the trail of the hobbits. And since his farm is soooo huge, he does not even get anything from the hustle and bustle. In the evening we landed at the Papamoa Beach on the campsite in a great cottage right by the sea. The Pacific rushed. The starry sky was unbelievable beautiful. I felt myself connecting. Something happened. I felt heavenly.

Christmas at the other end of the world

The next day was also a dream day. Sunshine, bright blue sky. With Alfie I jumped into the waves, a giant castle built on the beach. In the evening, Alfie gave us two pizzas - homemade with cheese and salami. Proudly he served us his work, which really tasted.

The 23.12. began early, we wanted to go out to the sea. Finally to see the dolphins. But it was raining and stormy. Nevertheless, we had to go to the port. There we moved the tour to the morning of the Christmas Eve. Because it should be better for the weather. Instead of looking at dolphins, we hopped into the car and drove along the coast to Wathanga to get a glimpse of the volcanic island of White Island. Two hours later back in Papamoa Beach it had cleared up. We booked a show at the Maoris in Rotorua and dusk in the afternoon, so we could go all together again with the gondola on the mountain and drive the Ludge. To the delight of two adrenaline junkies Alfons and Mama. Afterwards we went to the Maoris, of course rather tourimasterig, but nevertheless completely beautiful and interesting. In a super staged show, we learned a lot about their culture and their lives. Good food, which they had previously cooked in the earth for several hours, was also served to us. Delicious!

The next morning, the sun showed up, dolphin tour. Jippie! Today my dream of swimming with dolphins would finally come true. I saw ourselves already in the middle of the cute pinball, snapped and cuddled. My heart was beating. We loved the catamaran. KrishnaMa easily disengaged. She suffers from seasickness and had previously pocketed tablets which made her slightly apathetic. She also slept almost the whole six hours that we rode across the ocean in the search for dolphins. After two hours we were lucky, there they were. Five to six dolphins swam around our boat. But we were not allowed to bathe with them. After Captain, we had to find the big group to which they belonged. Somehow I suddenly felt that swimming with them would be nothing. I fought against my disappointment and put this awkward feeling about it. KrishnaMa noticed my frustration and said, "Take a look at the dolphins, to see if they have any desire to make us happy today." Oh, I almost broke the collar. With this unemotional attitude, only sleeping all the time, and then also clever - she brought my emotions to the boil. Sure on purpose, so I let her go and leave. But I could not and would not. I swallowed my disappointment, ate a few muffins, and continued to look at the sea. Still hoping it would work. After six hours back in the harbor - again an expectation kills. Well, somehow I had no real feeling. Christmas stop. Is not my feast anyway. In the evening we were a little bit chic and Alfie was playing pizza again. Otherwise no Christmas mood came up, which was not bad. Then she went to bed. Good that Christmas Eve was over.

Especially since we two days ago at the check in and later also at the ATM had determined that we were almost running out of money. The limit of my credit card was exhausted. Now it was the last reserves on the Sparbuch. Fortunately we had at least 500 Euro. With a bit of luck and budgets this should be enough.

The next morning it poured. I was a bit desperate. My mood eh already mocked. I tied Mola over and walked with her through the room so that the other two could still sleep. As the rain slowed, I went to the front desk to ask if we could leave earlier. Already possible, but there would be no money back. In view of our miserable financial situation, I decided instead to buy WIFI again for a day. So Alfie could be scyping with his dad and we might find some distraction on the WWW. Luckily it cleared up at noon and we went to Tauranga. Alfie, Mola and I climbed Mount Maunganui, enjoying the beautiful nature and the fantastic views. In the evening I jumped into the sea again. Bathing in the rain, great feeling.

Later, KrishnaMa and I made a cozy chat with a bottle of wine. I asked her about our mission. She kept a regular contact with Ainschy and Andreas. Both of them had looked at each other independently and confirmed that it had already become much lighter and that it really seemed as if I was bursting with a lot of love with the way, which KrishnaMa then filled with a lot of love. Starlight and earthlight have already been able to unite in many places and create a common flow of love. Great, mission accomplished. Somehow I had already guessed a bit, but I really did not trust my feelings and perceptions...

Maori Show

Hot Water Beach

On 26.12. we packed everything back into the car and headed for Coromandel. On the trip, KrishnaMa and I talked extensively. My process at the climax, ripe for salvation. I was super disappointed. My expectations were different, almost everything I had imagined in advance had not worked out. We wanted to offer meditation in Wellington. We wanted to see vineyards. I wanted to see the sparks between KrishnaMa and Stuey spray. I wanted an unforgettable birthday. I just wanted a great holiday. "Did not you realize that this is not going to happen? Everything you wanted did not work out. Again and again events have shown you that you have to let it happen. And through all your will, desire, and expectation, you have overlooked the gifts of this time, not really realized. "The tears ran down, all the disappointment arose from my eyes. "Okay, I understand what you mean. I would have simply put everything on me and look forward to what happens. But what does that mean in concrete terms? Can I now wish nothing more? Do not care about me? "" That means freedom. That no matter where you are, what you do, etc. you always go equally well. That you're just happy and satisfied. "I rebelled. "No, if that's freedom, I do not want it." KrishnaMa looked at me in surprise. "Hmm, I thought that was your goal, too?" My heart rattled, my heart hurted. Part of the disappointment came to an end.

We drove to Cooks Beach. Beautiful. The ebb stole the sea from the bay and Alfie and I trudged through the damp sand. We always sank almost to our knees. Funny feeling. Nevertheless, I realized that I still had an eerie gravity in me. In the late afternoon we drove back to our hut on the campsite Hot Water Beach. Quickly armed with spades armed to the beach where hell was going. Lots of people were digging their holes. Others were already there. Hot water flowed from the top beach sections and mingled in the holes with the cooler water of the ocean. Alfie scrambled like a wild beast. Hmm, here is not really much warm water. Another cookie wanted. Was not so simple. Countless other spade diggers fought for the good places. Since, finally found a suitable spot. Super, the hole arose and filled with pleasant warm water. Lovely. Proudly, Alfie invited us into his hole. KrishnaMa did not want to and took over Mola, who was interested in the whole bustle. What was she thinking? Well, I crouched to Alfie. Somehow we enlarged our hole by putting it together with our neighbors. Also German. She worked as an Aupair in Auckland. Her sister and her brother visited her over Christmas. We chatted a bit and exchanged on our experiences in New Zealand. Very similar. Beautiful country, Madness nature, open people, horrendous prices and cost of living.

Stranded at Cathedral Cove

Two hours later we wiggled back to our campsite. Dinner. Children to bed. Alfie read like a world champion. KrishnaMa and I sat in front of the hut. She needed advice from Andreas to save my pain. Instead of Andreas his daughter answered. Without KrishnaMa betraying her situation, she knew directly what it was about and suggested a solution. Urching, oha. Yes, it really felt so. I had such a great sorrow at Stonehenge, where it broke out of me too, and I thought I was dying of grief. "Okay, then we meditate and release your primal pain," beamed KrishnaMa. I looked at her expectantly. Then quickly close your eyes. Heart and core of the earth, immersed in pain. Handed them about ten minutes to the fire and asked the sun to fill the free spaces in my system with their light and love. I could feel it getting lighter. Everything became easier and when I emerged from the meditation again and sat in front of our hut, I felt very well. I was quite full and a deep peace with myself and the world spread in me. I felt strong and free. KrishnaMa was right, I wanted that very freedom from the bottom of my heart. Free of emotions that are just expression of lack and full of emotions. In abundance. Wow, the stars sparkled over us. I could have cried again. This time, however, with happiness and gratitude.

The next day started lightly and exuberantly. I finished Mola, woke up Alfie and we armed again with armed spades to the beach. Alfie dug, Mola nodded in Baby Björn. At noon we went by ferry to KrishnaMa to Whitianga. Strolling through the little place, I got a blessed banana that even tasted me. In the afternoon we walked to the Cathedral Cove in a bright sunshine. Mola dug fascinated in the sand. Alfie and I enjoyed one last time the clear waters of the Pacific.

Auckland and Departure

Our last two days began. In the morning we drove to Auckland, where we arrived at noon. In the case of drizzle. Too bad, but actually also no matter. We conquered the city, found a hotel room just fit for the budget and ate some burgers at Wendys. In the evening. Mola slept and Alfie read his Atlantis book, which he devoured within two and a half days - and that at almost 500 pages. KrishnaMa was deep-rooted. We drank wine, talked and smoked - all like two bums on the ground outside the hotel. No matter, we let everything review. A few tears rattled. Then we slept deeply and firmly in our last day.

We were cruising through Auckland. Soooo beautiful. Sooo unfortunate that we had to leave tomorrow. We would have liked to spend a few weeks here. But no chance. We met Garth at the dispenser next door. We asked him about the way to the Tasmanian Sea. The old man told us the route and drove us a little ahead so that we would not get lost. Then we stopped and he spontaneously offered to come with us. He had nothing better to do than reading a boring book. Cool! We would never have found the way. His stories were also exciting. Tasmanian sea, stunningly beautiful, endless beach dipped in a quite strange light. It looked almost a little unreal. Then Garth showed us the collected farms in the area and had a story ready for everyone. So we also saw our vineyards. In the afternoon back in Auckland he hosted us with toast and coffee and then drove us to the airport. At 23 pm our flight to Guangzhou departed. Quickly we got he broken bugaboo from the Ibis hotel, luggage checked in. We said goodbye and thanked. Garth had sent us the skies, so our last day in New Zealand was packed again with new impressions that we would not have experienced without him.

Fortunately the first flight was a night flight. It flew like in flight. Arrived in Guangzhou, I wanted to bring the Buggy back ... that should actually be handed over to us. Almost two hours, a helpful Chinese, who could even speak English, tried to organize the buggy. Until we struck ourselves. He was checked through to Hamburg. Well, nice crap. I tied Mola back. A shuttle took us to the transfer hotel, which was provided free of charge. Cool thing. We had exactly 100 euros, which we had as a budget and otherwise for the Pullman hotel spent. In Guangzhou it was contrary to expectations really chilly. How can the weather change within a month that much? On the outward flight we had pleasant temperatures around the 20 degrees. For Mola I had packed warm clothes in our hand luggage, for Alfie also. KrishnaMa, who is always a buzz, as she always says, had the fat down jacket. Only I dreamed of shums in pink flip flops, thinner flutter pants and a T-shirt therefore. Fortunately, I found at least one sweater in my bag. Phew, well, that the buggy had been checked right through, did’nz bother me anymore. With Mola in Baby Björn on my chest, the cold was slightly better to bear. My heart warmed my chest and my belly. We moved into our room, when KrishnaMa looked at her IPhone and said, "Oops, it’s my birthday." We had totally lost the time. Well, she did not like her birthday too much. We briefly encountered instant cappuccino.

Alfie and KrishnaMa cuddled up to the room, while I had to take a nap with Mola. I explored the area as Mola fell asleep. After she had slept, I wiggled back to the hotel. Meanwhile the sun warmed and pleasant 20 degrees lured us to the door. Alfie was horrified: "This is kind of funny here. They're staring at us all the time, I feel watched. I'd rather go back to the hotel. "I told him it was clear that everyone was staring at us. "We're looking quite different. Or have you ever seen a blonde Chinese? "He laughed and calmed down. After a long walk I then also could take a short nap. Luckily. Afterwards we drove by shuttle back to the airport and ate a little before we entered the plane to Amsterdam.

Phew, the longest flight of our trip should take 12 ½ hours. Also a night flight, which started 23.55 pm. But thanks to New Zealand and our inner clock, which of course still tickled New Zealand - especially at Mola - it was more like a day flight. While almost all snored on board, I walked with Mola through the plane. Well, I had the baby Björn. We danced, went backwards, sometimes forward, visited the stewardesses. Crawling I could not leave her nowhere. Well, as I said, fortunately I had been sleeping in Guangzhou for two hours. And somehow the flight was also done and we landed in Amsterdam. Four hours of sitting around and waiting for pur last flight. At noon we were finally back in Hamburg. Packed up. Great jubilation, when I brought my already broken Bugaboo and saw that the buggy was also scrap. Quickly to the damage report. Then get out. Jippie !A proper reception committee had come to welcome us. Alfons Papa Michael, neighbor Emanuel, Martin, Ainschy and his girlfriend Tira expected us with great hello and even flowers. Sweet! We were quite moved. A great end to our mission.

Thank you New Zealand

A thousand thanks to all who have made this trip possible and helped us in advance so that we could experience what we have experienced at all. If I have now forgotten someone here, then not on purpose. Also, the order should not play a role. I just write what I remember.

A big thank you to Andreas Lohmann. Andreas worked intensively with KrishnaMa on the topic during the weeks before our departure, they explored levels that blocked our way, and they were able to redeem a lot together. Sorry that I can not explain this better. I have only been concerned with spirituality for four years and can not perceive and capture as much as the two "professionals".

Besides, I was often absent when they were crouching next to the altar to work.

What I remember too, that KrishnaMa and I wondered for a long time whether this was a good idea. Many fears ... Many emotional processes ... Andreas also said that a lot of challenges were waiting for us and that the whole trip would not be a real holiday. It was indeed not really a holiday…

Thanks to the PHORMS school! For the permission that Alfons could go on our four-week trip. Without him I would not have gone. And, of course, thank you to the Thorndon School in Wellington, who took Alfons so warmly for two weeks.

Many thanks to Lene and Stuart for their loving hospitality.

Thanks to Lene. Which wife is already looking forward to the visit of the alleged rival? Dual souls back and forth. Like most, she did not even know that there was anything like that at that time. The deep connection between KrishnaMa and Stuey, which I tried to find on our arrival via sparkling (I know my imagination sometimes is to crazy) was felt at any time - for each of us.

Of course that makes you afraid, because you do not have this connection to each other, and it hurts... Well, that understands every compassionate human being. And for that reason, it was an important meeting for Lene. Of course she felt this deep connection and saw that there was something else between KrishnaMa and Stuart, as between her and him. But she could experience that her enemy is not an enemy at all. The two girls often went out together and understood themselves really well.

In the same breath, I also have to thank Markus, the husband of KrishnaMa who showed an incredible human size. Although he knew we had been flying to the other end of the world for a single reason-that KrishnaMa meets Stuart. He let her and us go.

Thanks to Ainschy, the angel of unity! With his golden light, he helped us to master almost impossible situations - in love for all. What from a purely human point of view has failed in many of the structures that we have lived, and seldom goes away without strife, grief, rage, or tears. As I said, how often does it happen that a wife accepts her husband and a different love, and she feels sympathy for her?

For KrishnaMa and Stuart, it was very important to lift the relationship between themselves to a higher level. It was not just about their human needs, but about something truly divine. To a love that is almost limitless - and this turned out to be often incomprehensible for both. Emotions, letting go, overcome your own feelings. Of course, almost everyone of us feels loss, jealousy, possessions, and so on. But if you manage to take a higher perspective and leave out all those emotions that stand in the way of love, real love can flow freely and break any boundaries.

I have no idea how I would have responded in a similar situation, I just know I could not have done it.

One thing I still have to get rid of: Of course, the main reason of our trip was the reunion of KrishnaMa and Stuart. Why did I want that? In summer 2013, a few days before we decided to travel to New Zealand, KrishnaMa led me into a short meditation. There she showed me what energy is flowing when she and Stuart are together. And you can now declare me completely crazy, but I was overwhelmed by my feelings. I shed tears in my eyes and I felt a huge liberation in this energy that seemed to flow around the entire globe. I had never experienced anything like that before. Such a deep feeling of happiness that went on infinitely far and wide. A moment I will never forget - just like this trip.

It was not the normal holiday I otherwise knew. I really came across my borders in many moments, which I could - thanks, thank you, thank you - blast. Emotions lost, feelings won. Emotions, which were buried for a long time under experiential burdens. Once again a little bit further, to more happiness, contentment and freedom.

Also for Alfons the trip was a giant gift. Not only that he had to find his way to a foreign country in a foreign country and thereby to strengthen his self-confidence tremendously. This journey was the first forever in a completely new constellation. So far, he's been going through the world alone with me, taking the position of my partner, which was not really good for him. Now with his baby sister Mola and another adult KrishnaMa. His position has just been moved into the accompanying child. Challenging for him, who often used to be able to co-ordinate a lot more. But good and right so.

Funny, all of his teachers spoke to me when I attended the school's performance a few weeks after our return. "What did you do with Alfons in New Zealand? He has totally changed. Simply unbelievable great. He was always smart, but now he is... You can be very proud of him." I was very happy to hear that and made my funny face: "Well, we are Spiris and..." Well, so is that.

And even if I could not always see and believe the same during our four weeks in New Zealand, our mission was a success all along the line - for everyone involved and far beyond.

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