Love makes you fly

Wings of love

It's all about energy

Our world seems to break apart. Everywhere it is boiling and spoiling - often for a long time. Almost indiscriminately, wherever you look, it seems desolate, and the modern, our accustomed world seems to be nearing the abyss. Fear spreads. For many people there seems to be no way out. They are totally frightened. Fear paralyzes.

How can you radiate, fly, or cycle so positively and optimistically through the city? Are you completely ignorant or does it simply matter to you?

Everything is energy. Every thought I think manifests itself. And that's what each of us does. If everyone now thinks it goes down the stream, where does it go then? Right: Down the drain.

Of course, I see all the crap that happens every day on our planet. Of course not the whole, but mostly only the tip of the iceberg and feel, what’s under it and still waits to vomit to the surface. But why should I waste my precious energy by giving my attention to waste?

I prefer to concentrate on the good. On all the love I feel. Which I see. Sometimes still hidden behind a mask. Sometimes already radiant awakened. With my energy, I would like to support all the movements that work on the fact that our planet does not go down the river. Those who are looking for solutions - for us and our world. I am sending my energy to them. To love.

We need visions. We need an overlook. From the bird's perspective. To keep an overview. Above all, we need endless love. Unconditional love. Love that does not judge, compare or punish. Every one of us is looking at a child with the equanimity of a mother.

Humans are no angels. And still I am convinced that we all want nothing else than love and to be loved. When we are able to revive this consciousness, in each of us, we will create a domino effect that will pour out tremendously in peace and joy for all.

Then and only then we will be able to save our planet earth. Not with hate, fear or war. We have learned from our past. Now it’s time to go new paths. We love. Just go for love. If we love, we radiate and share our happiness.

Love, love, love

That sounds simple and is still damn hard. As with everything decision comes first. We choose love. Second step: we love ourselves. We make ourselves awaken our self-love. Unconditionally. We have to really and truly love ourselves from the deepest depths of our heart, with all the great and not so great things. If we do so, we can continue with the annoying neighbor, with the ex, with the cute daughter ... the last of course is the easiest to love…

Although I can sometimes find someone annoying, I can give him my compassion and love. This feels honestly even really good.

Done! Can we possibly even love a whole group? Of course. Just start loving, for example, all mothers or fathers or children. Try to love all Jews, all Christians, all humans regardless of their religion. If you can do that with a truly pure heart, you will go through whole nations. Finally, you can love everything and all.

I believe that especially we sensitive people are most responsible nowadays. We perceive a lot of things and that’s why we can change a lot. Fear paralyzes. Love makes us fly. With our love, we can grow beyond ourselves and heal our own suffering, not only for us but for the benefit of all.

In the past, many of us were not lacking in heavenly visions, but all the more because of the implementation power. So, we'd rather be dreaming in our addictions, our art, in movies, in music. We felt misunderstood, wrong in this world. Let’s finish that. Let's restart by taking responsibility, which we have already been wearing for years.

Let us finally understand our sensitivity as a blessing. Then we no longer need to escape. Let us change our visions rather than our lonely illusion worlds with our visions. Let us create the paradise that we have dreamed of for ages. Let us make it real. For us! For all of us! It's time. The apple wants to be picked.


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