Israel, two weeks, three seas

Two weeks, three seas

""What? Where do you want to go? Isn’t it too dangerous?" That was the first reaction when I talked about our travel plans to Israel. In the autumn holidays, Alfons, 8, and I, 38, were going to travel through Israel for two weeks, two weeks of adventure were waiting for us. And before that: No, it was never dangerous or threatening at any time of our journey. Rather, we were accompanied by a fantastic peaceful feeling for 14 days, and we experienced an unforgettable deep love for this country and its people.

Here we go. Full of anticipation we landed in the middle of the night in Tel Aviv and snapped a taxi to our hotel, right on the beach of the modern metropolis. And already there we got a first impression of the peoples friendliness. We arrived 2 am and the room was booked from noon. "Hmm, wait, I quickly think of a solution," the receptionist said. Half an hour later we were in our room for a small extra charge and dreamed sweetly.

Tel Aviv

For three days we stayed in Tel Aviv, bathed in the 28 ° C warm Mediterranean Sea, walked along the beautiful promenade to the beautiful old town of Jaffa, grabbed fresh fruit and a few souvenirs on the market and ran our feet as much as possible through this great city.

On the road

On day four, we got our rental car, a small silver-coloured Nissan, and dripped north. Through the amazing landscape along the Mediterranean Sea. We visited Haifa and Akko until we arrived in Western Galilee in the early evening. Our first kibbutz - called Dolphin Village - was idyllically located right on the Mediterranean Sea and surprised us with a comfortable room, which we conquered briefly before we took a walk along the beach promenade to experience the sunset.

At the opulent breakfast (the Israelis eat a lot of salad and fish for breakfast) the next morning we were again presented a piece of Israeli amiability. An elderly couple came to our table, they had been watching us all the time. "You have such a beautiful son, I could not turn my eyes of him, we wish you a fantastic time in Israel," the lady beamed. We smiled thankful and happy.

Sea of Galilee

The next day we went to the Sea of Galilee (a pity that you can not swim in it because it is sacred) and the impressive green hills of the Golan, marveled at the equally abundant Jordan Valley and stayed three days in the area around Shaar Hagolan in our next Kibbutz. From there we drove to the world famous site Bet'Shean.

When we had finished our tour, we wanted to drive back to our kibbutz. I don'T know how baut at one point we must have taken the wrong road. We drove and drove until we finally noticed that we were going straight through the excavation site. Oh, that will surely give trouble. Fast reverse and back. To bad that the gate was locked now. We already saw us landing in jail, but the officer was just laughing when we two blondies told him that we got lost somehow and opened the gate for us. Phew, everything went well again.

The next day we went to Mount Tabor and to Nazareth, where we sweated at almost 35 degrees while looking at all the sights. Here we ate our first kebap.

Now we were ready to go to the Dead Sea. We wanted to float in the water, reading the newspaper. First we invented our kibbutz in Kalia. After that we made a short visit to Qumram, where the old Esseners lived and then we finally jumped into the dead sea. Everyone was smeared with mud, ten minutes later we too. And really, the skin is unbelievable soft after this mud bath. And this feeling of lying on the back in the water is like floating through the universe, detached from all what's going on at the earth.


From Kalia we drove one day to Jerusalem, the divine city was only half an hour away. We took the tram in to the city centre and stepped into the old town like thousands of other visitors. At the famous “Klagemauer” we left our heart desires. Afterwards we strolled through the narrow historical streets. We even dared to go to Bethlehem with a driver, and were quite frightened by the strictly guarded wall that’s been drawn around Bethlehem.

Dolphins and Red Sea

After three days at the Dead Sea, we went to our last stage, to Eilat on the Red Sea. Four hours through the desert felt like we had landed on Mars. When we arrived at Eilot in our kibbutz the lady who gave us our keys was quite enthusiastic: "Are you two alone on the way? How nice! I wish you a lot of fun and if you need anything, please let me know! "

Right on the next morning we went to the Dolphin Reef. We wanted to dive with the dolphins! A dream! Alfons was allowed to dive into the water with the gray flippers in a diving suit and with a diving bottle, which he could hardly carry on land. Without even appearing once, he stayed under water for 20 minutes - and that even though he dived for the first time in his life. He proudly told me about his underwater adventure. The crowning conclusion of an unforgettable adventure

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