Follow your heart and never judge

Love is the answer

The Dalai Lama is in Hamburg right now. And when Mola and me were on the way to pick up my son from high school, I landed at the Dammtor station in the middle of a group of people who just came from one of his lectures.

I listened a bit and had to swallow. Suddenly tears came to my eyes. Overwelmed by a great sense of happiness, I was glad: Yes, we are getting more and more! More and more people are "awakening". More people are following the call of their hearts, their souls. I would have liked to go and hug every single one of them. To thank them. Of course I did not. Sometimes I'm a bit crazy, but that was too far... And I had to go to pick up my son...

There were so many moments in my life that hurt. Too much remote-controlled and without love, too far away from my own way. And the more I've been busy with this in the last few years, the sooner I became aware of the others. Sometimes it was almost desperate.

For me, I had now figured out how much more life-worthy my life has been since I have followed my heart whenever I could. To empathize with me in situations rather than rationally understanding them and increasingly giving my feeling priority over my mind.

Often I would have liked to have packed, shooken and "missionized" the others. For some time I am there fortunately much more relaxed. You can not rush through. And each one of us is completely individual with his very own story. In addition, everything has its time. Some jump, others trot, others creep. Doesn't matter! Everyone does what fits for him and is best.

PS: Previously, a homeless guy had molested me because I did not give him any money. "You rich sl*t, you fortunately have a man who gives you all what you need." I was a bit irritated and was just about to let myself in on a discussion with him. Asking him: Why do you judge me? Why are you raging at me? You do not know anything about me! I do not judge you. Why do you judge me? "But I had to go to pick up my son...

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